April 2021

Dear Friend,

We are thankful that Jhamtse Gatsal's remote location, as well as thoughtful guidance and protocols, have kept the children and staff safe during the pandemic. This remains true today also. We continue to pray for the health and wellness of our fellow beings in India, our global Jhamtse community, and everyone on the planet.

The past 12 months have been a time of deep reflection and growth at Jhamtse Gatsal. With a profound sense of gratitude, we share this Year in Review, highlighting the impact of your generosity and kindness. We thank you for your unwavering support, and we hope you enjoy reading about the continued growth you've enabled.

Click to view Jhamtse Gatsal's year end review

What Jhamtse Gatsal Means To Me

by Jerry Zadow, Chairman, Jhamtse International Board of Directors
My wife, Gaby, and I have been supporters of Jhamtse International and Jhamtse Gatsal from the beginning, but after my first trip to the Garden of Love and Compassion in 2009, it changed our lives. The children, these little seeds of compassion, chosen out of those most in need of family and care, out of traumatic backgrounds, were already becoming the most loving, helpful members of the community.
Read more about Jerry's Jhamtse Journey
We'd love to hear what Jhamtse Gatsal means to you!
Click here to send us an email and share your Jhamtse story.

Earth Day 2021

At Jhamtse Gatsal Children's Community, every day is Earth Day! The theme of Earth Day 2021 was "Restore Our Earth." Here is a glimpse of how the children and adults of Jhamtse Gatsal are trying to restore our Earth by converting waste that would otherwise be burnt or dumped in landfills into useful items. Repurposing and reusing waste has now become a part of our daily lives!

Examples of repurposing pictured below:
Desk made from cardboard
Coffee mug from a jam jar
Planter made from a football
Click to view children in need of sponsors
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Jennifer DeGlopper