
Tashi is in need of sponsors!

Tashi loves expressive arts and is an active learner. Sometimes her shy and reserved nature may act as a hindrance but she is being mentored to work on being more confident.

Tashi loves to dance, sing and listen to music. She gave an excellent dance performance for the staff day this year and many of us were surprised by her energy. She also performs well during class assemblies. She is quite expressive and her talent is seen during singing and drama. 

Tashi is learning to play the keyboard in western music class and sings well in traditional music class. Tashi has shown preference for western music and one will often find her singing while she walks around the campus. 

She also has excellent soft skills in art such as drawing, sketching, colouring and painting. 

Tashi has become more responsible this year in the house. She takes initiative to help in the house and community according to her Amala (house mother). She obeys her elders and follows through the duties given by the house and the community.

Tashi has a sense of humour which will win your heart.

Child ID: 1004074